
JURIN、CHISA、HINATA、HARVEY、JURIA、MAYA、COCONAからなる7人組HIPHOP / R&Bガールズグループ。グループ名である「XG」は「Xtraordinary Girls」を表し、常識にとらわれない規格外なスタイルの音楽やパフォーマンスを通じて、世界中のさまざまな境遇の人たちをエンパワーしていく。
2022年3月に1st Single「Tippy Toes」でデビュー。全米ビルボードチャート「Hot Trending Songs Powered by Twitter」で日本人アーティストとして史上初の1位にランクイン、米「Billboard」誌で日本人ガールズグループとしては史上初となる表紙を飾るなどグローバルで数々の快挙を成し遂げている。
2024年から、初となるワールドツアー「XG 1st WORLD TOUR “The first HOWL”」を世界約30都市で開催中。2024年11月に2nd Mini Album「AWE」をリリースし、米ビルボード・アルバム・チャート“Billboard 200”に初のランクインを果たす。
2025年4月に開催される、アメリカ最大級の音楽フェス「Coachella Valley Music and Arts Festival」に日本人アーティストとして唯一の出演を果たす。
XG is a seven-member hip-hop/R&B girl group consisting of JURIN, CHISA, HINATA, HARVEY, JURIA, MAYA, and COCONA. The group’s name, “XG,” stands for “Xtraordinary Girls,” reflecting their commitment to empowering people from diverse backgrounds around the world through their boundary-defying music and performances.
They debuted in March 2022 with their 1st single, “Tippy Toes,” and quickly made history by becoming the first Japanese artists to rank No. 1 on the Billboard “Hot Trending Songs Powered by Twitter” chart. XG also became the first Japanese girl group to grace the cover of the U.S. Billboard magazine, achieving remarkable milestones on a global scale.
In 2024, they embarked on their first world tour, XG 1st WORLD TOUR “The first HOWL,” spanning approximately 30 cities worldwide. In November 2024, they released their 2nd mini-album, AWE, which marked their debut on the Billboard 200 albums chart.
In April 2025, XG will become the only Japanese artists to perform at the Coachella Valley Music and Arts Festival, one of the largest music festivals in the United States.
JURIN, CHISA, HARVEY, HINATA, JURIA, MAYA, COCONA로 구성된 7인조 HIPHOP / R&B 걸그룹. 그룹명인 “XG”는 “Xtraordinary Girls”를 뜻한다. 상식에 얽매이지 않는 규정 외의 스타일인 음악이나 퍼포먼스를 통해 전 세계 사람들에게 힘을 주고 있다.
2022년 3월 1st Single "Tippy Toes”로 데뷔. 미국 빌보드 차트 “Hot Trending Songs Powered by Twitter”에서 일본인 아티스트로서 최초로 1위를 차지하며 미국 “Billboard”지에서 일본인 걸그룹으로서는 최초로 표지를 장식하는 등 글로벌 시장에서 수많은 쾌거를 이루고 있다.
XG는 2024년, 첫 월드투어 XG 1st WORLD TOUR “The first HOWL”을 개최하며 전 세계 약 30개 도시에서 뜨거운 열기를 이어가고 있다. 2024년 11월에는 2nd Mini Album "AWE”를 발매하며 미국 빌보드 앨범 차트 “Billboard 200” 에 처음으로 이름을 올렸다.
2025년 4월에는 미국 최대 음악 페스티벌 "Coachella Valley Music and Arts Festival" 무대에 일본 아티스트로서 단독으로 오를 예정이다.
这是由JURIN、CHISA、HINATA、HARVEY、JURIA、MAYA、COCONA 组成的7人HIPHOP / R&B女子团体。团体名“XG”代表“Xtraordinary Girls”。旨在突破常识束缚,通过天马行空的音乐风格和表演,向世界上身处不同境遇的人们传递信念和力量。
在2022年3月发行的Tippy Toes单曲正式出道。XG斩获全球多项重要成就,如史上首个登顶全美Billboard “Hot Trending Songs Powered by Twitter” 榜单的日本艺人、史上首个登上全美《Billboard》杂志封面的日本女子团体等等。
2024年首次世界巡演「XG 1st WORLD TOUR “The first HOWL”」在全世界约30个城市巡演中。2024年11月发行了第二张mini专辑「AWE」,并且首次获得了美国Billboard专辑排行榜“Billboard 200”排榜的成绩。
2025年4月将会作为唯一一组日本艺人参加美国最大规模音乐节「Coachella Valley Music and Arts Festival」。
這是由JURIN、CHISA、HINATA、HARVEY、JURIA、MAYA、COCONA 組成的7人HIPHOP / R&B女子團體。團體名“XG”代表“Xtraordinary Girls”。旨在突破常識束縛,通過天馬行空的音樂風格和表演,向世界上身處不同境遇的人們傳遞信念和力量。
在2022年3月發行的Tippy Toes單曲正式出道。XG斬獲全球多項重要成就,如史上首個登頂全美Billboard “Hot Trending Songs Powered by Twitter” 榜單的日本藝人、史上首個登上全美《Billboard》雜誌封面的日本女子團體等等。
2024年首次世界巡演「XG 1st WORLD TOUR “The first HOWL”」在全世界約30個城市巡演中。2024年11月發行了第二張mini專輯「AWE」,並且首次獲得了美國Billboard專輯排行榜“Billboard 200”排榜的成績。
2025年4月將會作為唯一一組日本藝人參加美國最大規模音樂節「Coachella Valley Music and Arts Festival」。
Date of Birth: June 19th, 2002 -
Date of Birth: January 17th, 2002 -
Date of Birth: June 11th, 2002 -
Date of Birth: December 18th, 2002 -
Date of Birth: November 28th, 2004 -
Date of Birth: August 10th, 2005 -
Date of Birth: December 6th, 2005